In just over two weeks, Lucasfilm Animation will return with a new Star Wars project in Tales of the Jedi. A series of six anthology shorts, Dave Filoni wrote the stories to kill time during flights to Los Angeles for the production of The Mandalorian; with the beautiful animation work being done for The Bad Batch, the Man in the Cowboy Hat had to get his hands on more of that medium himself.
Officially revealed at Star Wars Celebration in May, Tales of the Jedi will dedicate three episodes each to two figures who strayed from the Jedi path: Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku. A trailer shared at the event and now available to view online features the leads alongside other Star Wars icons, like Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Darth Sidious.
For a generation of fans, every Saturday morning saw these heroes and villains appear on TV screens in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. While the journeys of Ahsoka and Dooku in that era were largely believed complete, the anthology series will delve into more of what the characters’ lives were like before and after the war. As part of Lucasfilm Animation’s latest effort, an ensemble of voice actors are returning for their roles.
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