Title: Angelina Jolie claims she feared safety of her family with Brad Pitt
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Things between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got pretty bad towards the end of their marriage. Jolie has claimed that she feared for the safety of her whole family including her children during her marriage to brad pitt.
She went on to add that it was being in those situations that made her realize the importance of children’s rights. Though she did not go on to expand claiming that she is not able to speak about it due to ongoing custody proceedings it does sound ominous.
During her interview with Guardian’s Weekend magazine the actress apparently nodded to confirm she was alluding to her divorce and allegations of domestic issues with brad pitt. When asked if she feared for the safety of her children she said ‘Yes, for my family. My whole family,’ and when asked about divorcing Brad Pitt after 14 years together she claimed,
‘It took a lot for me to be in a position where I felt I had to separate from the father of my children.’
She went on to add that she had been traumatized and broken by the horrific experience but despite of all this she remained slightly soft hearted towards Pitt and wanted all her family including the father of her children to heal adding ‘We will always be a family.’