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In this video we experience what is was like for Oppenheimer during the trinity test with actual nukes in Minecraft. It turns out due to a miraculous coincidence of mechanics in the game it is in fact possible to make explosions that perfectly imitate nuclear bombs in Minecraft. Which is all made possible thanks to a new innovation to the orbital strike cannon which allows it to fire programable warheads. What an age for innovation, in minecraft, we live in.

Wavetech Server Discord:

This cannon makes use of TnT dupers designed by @lntricateuwu and Hex encoders designed by @Kahyxen

*Note: The nuclear payload won’t work properly with optimizedTnT enabled, so I suggest not trying to recreate it on low spec systems.*

Downloads for the cannon. *Make sure to enable the chunk loaders before attempting to fire the cannon*. And before you ask, no this doesn’t work on Bedrock Edition or on paper servers:

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