The Addams Family 2
In this sequel to the 2019 animated film, ‘The Addams Family’, the Addams get caught up in more zany situations. Gomez and Morticia move to New Jersey, a place “no one would be caught dead in”. There, they find their “perfect” home in an abandoned asylum on a hill. Among the many wacky adventures they share, they meet and recruit as their butler, Lurch, an escaped mental patient whom Thing, while distracted, hit with the car.
— Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Bron Creative / The Jackal Group / Cinesite Studios / Nitrogen Studios and United Artists Releasing (United States and Canada) / Universal Pictures (International and home media releases)
The Addams Family 2 movie release date October 1, 2021.
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Track: Pineapple — JayJen [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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